
NEW Website Area - CPD in Action

Page Link : http://www.bsme.org.uk/cpd/cpdinaction.html

Essentially we see this as an area where members can share thoughts, experiences and resources that may help support other members in developing their CPD programme.  There is therefore no fixed structure or format. Contributions do not have to be from Principals and Headteachers; they can be from anyone wishing to contribute. They can be short or long. Examples of what/how you could contribute might be:

We hope this initiative will enable schools throughout the region to connect more easily and allow for a greater sharing of information, ideas and best practice.  We would love to be able to share an article/idea/resource with you every week but of course this is entirely dependent on the level of participation! I hope you will all endeavour to support ‘CPD in Action’ by contributing throughout the year.