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NEW : British Schools Overseas (BSOs)

“British Schools Overseas” (BSOs) are schools that have been inspected under the DfE-endorsed system developed for the purpose and which is quality assured by Ofsted. BSME was heavily involved in the adaptation of the draft regulations to suit an overseas context and the Middle East is the most ...
Hits: 1735

Conference : Abu Dhabi Big Band to play at Gala Dinner

BSME is delighted to announce that the Abu Dhabi Big Band will be performing at the Gala Dinner on Thursday 6 February. With many thanks to our sponsors CEM. Assessment Systems for pupils aged 3 - 18. Evidence of ability, potential and progress.              ...
Hits: 1526

MEMBERS : 2014 Associate Exhibition Layout

Dear Members, Please login to view the 2014 Annual Conference Associate Exhibition Layout. Either navigate to the Annual Conference section in the Members' Menu or click on the link below: http://www.bsme.org.uk/member-start/annual-conference/associate-exhibition.html Wishing all our M...
Hits: 1379

NEW Website Area - CPD in Action

Page Link : http://www.bsme.org.uk/cpd/cpdinaction.html Essentially we see this as an area where members can share thoughts, experiences and resources that may help support other members in developing their CPD programme.  There is therefore no fixed structure or format. Contributions do not h...
Hits: 1377

BSME : Education Investment MENA 10-13 November 2014, Dubai

Good morning Please follow the link below for details of the Education Investment MENA Conference and Exhibition. Best regards The BSME Team https://gallery.mailchimp.com/f730c14d95f8c76c98a36286b/files/mena.htm...
Hits: 1025

Chairman of BSME, Ed Goodwin, awarded OBE

Chairman of BSME, Ed Goodwin, awarded OBE in the 2014 New Year’s Honours List BSME would like to inform members, friends and supporters that Ed Goodwin, Chairman of British Schools in the Middle East, has been awarded the Order of the British Empire for his services to British Education in the Middle East. The British Embassy in Bahrain issued the following statement: British Ambassador Iain Lindsay this morning congratulated Ed Goodwin, Pri...
Hits: 1619

2014 Annual Conference Programme

The next BSME Annual Conference is to be held at the Beach Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi from 4-8 February 2014. The conference programme is now available, please click on the link to view the conference information: http://www.bsme.org.uk/annual-conference/next-conference.html  ...
Hits: 1230

2014 Annual Conference Speaker Overview

The next BSME Annual Conference is to be held at the Beach Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi from 4-8 February 2014. An overview of the conference speakers is now available by following the link below: http://www.bsme.org.uk/annual-conference/next-conference.html...
Hits: 1269

UK International Education Strategy

Launch of the United Kingdom's International Education Strategy BSME welcomes the newly-launched UK “International Education Strategy”. BSME is grateful for the opportunity it was given to contribute to the “co-creation” of the strategy at three BIS workshops devoted to this task. We welcome and support the strategy and look forward to playing an active role in the development and realisation of the objectives, as they relate to the ove...
Hits: 6335

UK Government Support for British Overseas Schools

BSME and Penta International have worked closely with the Department for Education (DfE) over the last year, and more intensively in recent months, to develop a kitemark for British schools overseas that have been successfully inspected under the BSO framework.  As a result, we have just been advised by the DfE that it is possible for the government to register a term such as ‘British Schools Overseas’ as an Official Sign, and that it i...
Hits: 1320

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