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New Cairo British International School

Website Age     Infant Junior Senior
www.ncbis.co.uk From 3 to 18 Yes Yes Yes
Address Admissions
PO Box 9057
Nasr City

Egypt - Cairo

Tel: +202 27582881

Fax: +202 27581390

Email: info@ncbis.co.uk

Principal Raymond Williams
Faculty Curriculum
UK Qualified British National Curriculum
Qual/Exam Types Nationalities
Enrolment Fee
Special Needs Provision

While NCBIS strives to be as inclusive as possible and cater for a wide range of abilities, the School cannot cater for students whose language, learning or behavioural needs can only be met with significant support outside of the classroom, or by significant additional adult support within it. As a guideline, the school will be unable to accept pupils into a year group where there are 10% or more pupils on the Learning Support Register.

It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the School with all relevant information at the time of application. Failure to do so may result in parents being asked subsequently to withdraw their child if the School considers that it is unable to meet his or her needs.


Our school could not be more aptly named. We are ‘New Cairo’ to reflect our location in a wonderful part of Cairo but we are also new in attitude as we constantly strive to be at the vanguard of educational provision.

At NCBIS your child will receive an education based on the best of British values and traditions but one that is also designed to foster an international mindset. This is manifested in our formal curriculum which fuses the best of British and international programmes to allow our students to acquire the appropriate balance of knowledge, understanding and enquiry based skills to succeed at university and beyond.

Our Primary school students follow the Primary Years Programme (PYP), a course of study that ‘prepares students to be active participants in a lifelong journey of learning’. The Dutch stream, an integral part of our school history and culture, also bases their curriculum on the PYP but modify it where necessary. In Key Stage 3, the first three years of secondary school, we offer the English National Curriculum leading to the IGCSE / GCSE examinations in Key Stage 4. Our senior students have the opportunity to take the prestigious IB Diploma, an internationally renowned programme of study that opens the doors to the best universities in the UK and around the world.

None of this would be possible without teachers of the highest calibre, recruited from the best UK and international schools worldwide. In all our endeavours we are fortunate to receive tremendous parental support. We foster a sense of community and understand that positive home-school links are key to our success. We proudly celebrate our successes but at the same time we are proactive and forward-looking and realize that change and improvement must be constant.

There is no substitute for seeing a school at first hand so I extend to you the warmest of welcomes to come and visit us at the school. Our doors are always open to you.

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