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UK Education News

Please see below UK Education news feeds pulled from the independent, Guardian and Telegraph:

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3 Countries You Probably Haven’t Considered Volunteering Abroad In…

Volunteering abroad is an excellent idea for spreading your wings, whilst helping others less fortunate than you in the process. There are so many opportunities for volunteering abroad in nowadays. Sure, everyone likes going to places like India to volunteer in. But, have you considered these 3 countries?1. Volunteer in Cameroon…Cameroon is...More... ...
Hits: 2747

Schools and NHS could be held accountable over youth crime

Nurses and teachers could be held accountable for not reporting concerns about children at risk from violent crime....More... ...
Hits: 433

2 Big Reasons You Should Learn A Musical Instrument

Learning a musical instrument isn’t something that is on most adult’s radars. If you didn’t start playing the piano or violin from the age of 5, then chances are you’ve never thought about taking it up as an adult. You just accept that it isn’t something you can do. A small number of people start learning instruments like the guitar from...More... ...
Hits: 448

A Weekend Trip from London to Liverpool and Cardiff by Car

It was early morning, and I retired to my bed after a bashing night-out. My phone ringtone blew up to its loud voice. I was drowsy and sleepy too. With lazy hands, somehow I managed to get to the phone and answered. Heard a familiar voice from the other side, yes, it was Uncle Jones. We had a great time with Uncle Jones a few years back when I was...More... ...
Hits: 421

Get Creative With SEO For The Biggest Rewards

The SEO landscape is in a state of constant flux. There are drastic changes occurring regularly every 6 months or so as Google rolls out sweeping changes to its core algorithm. At the same time, small tweaks are constantly being made here and there; split tests are being run; people find different t...
Hits: 455

'She was so desperate, she swallowed a toothbrush'

The government's aim to move people with learning disabilities from secure units has failed, campaigners say....More... ...
Hits: 466

School exclusions: Mother had 'no help' for son

With a sharp rise in school exclusions, one mother talks of the "bewildering" experience she faced....More... ...
Hits: 435

School exclusions: How Bridgend mother dealt with son

A mother talks of the problems of dealing with a son permanently excluded from school....More... ...
Hits: 442

School LGBT teaching row: What is in the No Outsiders books?

The No Outsiders programme aims to teach children about the characteristics protected by the Equality Act - such as sexual orientation and religion....More... ...
Hits: 495

The Happy News: One woman's mission to 'make news less sad'

Emily Coxhead, creator of the Happy Newspaper, says she isn't covering over things with rainbows and glitter....More... ...
Hits: 431

Looking for a British School in the Middle East?

Looking for an Educational Supplier?